Underway at Carmody: A New Universal Accessible Playground

Art, music, physical activity, sensory stimulation, connection to nature and just good old-fashioned outdoor play are the key design ingredients for the new playground at Carmody’s Park and Recreation Center complex in Lakewood, Colorado.

It’s an all-inclusive playground with “Play Principles” focused on design for those with physical limitations and development disabilities.  Accessible, developmentally progressive, therapeutic and kinetically engaging play features are central themes for this play place. 

Every piece of play considers all-inclusive abilities from the music pod, sand play diggers and fossil discoveries, a basketball court with painted games, sensory play center, hill climbers, and adventure rocks and more.  Play structures like the lily pad stepper, split log beam, dynamic surfer and cozy dome are sure to create wonder and awe, and even bring out the kid in all of us.

This will be a magical place.