It is with mixed emotions that Design Concepts announces the retirement of our colleague and friend, Roger Burkart. After 42 years in the landscape architecture industry, Roger is retiring effective December 31, 2018. We are celebrating with him the joys of a long and successful career, but are saddened as we contemplate a future without him in our midst.
Roger leaves a legacy of great work. He has been honored with numerous awards and accolades throughout his career, the most recent a CASLA Honor Award for Inspiration Playground in Bellevue, Washington. In addition to projects in Colorado, his work can be found across the U.,S., in Canada, Spain, and 27 projects for the National Parks System. A small sample of Rogerβs work is in the gallery below.
Roger is looking forward to a new season in his life. His immediate plans include time with grandchildren, hiking, painting, photography, music, and a few travel adventures.