Centennial Park
floodplain design | community fitness | walkability
Play, Connection, and Safety
The community park design for this 14-acre linear site in the heart of Rifle. It connects the historic downtown area with the county fairgrounds and features a "walk through time" along Rifle Creek with interpretive areas that tell the city's story.
Our design provides open space and passive recreation opportunities for residents, as well as safe pedestrian connections to a local middle school, an existing trail system, other city parks, and the downtown shopping district. It park also gave the Town space for large gatherings, community events, and festivals.
Marketing to Increased Funding
After numerous public and stakeholder meetings, the park was designed around a “time” theme, During the master planning phase, we provided perspective sketches, illustrations, and cost estimates, then helped secure funding by producing a brochure for residents to build support and ensure the passing of a necessary tax increase. Our team also assisted the Town with a GOCO Grant application.
Park Amenities, Municipal Infrastructure, and Environmental Education
A historic timeline follows an existing trail, and includes a wayside for each decade of Rifle's history from the early 1900’s. The waysides offer seating, shade, and interpretive signs that explain the city's history and a perspective of world events. The trail weaves weaves through numerous distinct event areas, including:
Large community green
Fitness course
Splash pad water play area
Stage and amphitheater
Pond and wetlands area
Custom gateway and entry features
Trail signage and wayfinding design
Interpretive signage and story telling nodes
Themed play area and tot lot
Picnic areas, shelters, and restrooms
New municipal infrastructure features include six pedestrian bridges, parking lots, an irrigation pump station, a dam on Rifle Creek, and three custom gateways connecting the park to the downtown area.
Environmental education components include outdoor classrooms and opportunities to teach the community about stream health, hydrology, native vegetation, and wildlife.
Designing in a Floodplain
Centennial is located in a flood plain, so we designed several features to accommodate occasional flood waters and seasonal high flows from the creek, and to allow for efficient maintenance and clean-up. Custom design elements include:
Specialized lighting
Pump house
Natural amphitheater
Planting beds